Information famine
Information famine

Catalogue mass media
Today 11101 mass media from 231 countries
Catalogue of Internet addresses of journalists, news agencies, press, TV, radio, network editions. The catalogue has only active addresses to sites containing political, economic,social, cultural and religious information. The catalogue is a list of both official and non-official sources of information and does not reflect the author's opinion. No mass media interdicted by law or court will not be included in the catalogue.
Catalogue journalists
Today 891 journalists from 27 countries
Catalogue of links to Internet addresses of sites and pages of journalists and people taking part in information production and distribution.
If you want to place a link to your site in the catalogue, if you have any comments or suggestions, E-mail me.
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  © 2005-2010, idea, design - Konoplev Victor,
Logotip - Novodvorsky Nikolay
English version of the text - Popelinova Svetlana

Project open 2005.01.17

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